Monday, August 31, 2009

California Wildfires

This is a short post because I think the California wildfires have gotten plenty of press given the inanity of the situation. Here's the deal. Every summer, California burns. It's a guarantee, no? When was the last summer there were no California wildfires?

And every year, the biggest problem is the brush. Lots of brush, lots of fuel for the fires. And never, ever, has anyone thought, "Why don't we cut this stuff back in the fall or the winter or the spring?" Or how about this... cities and counties can pass ordinances ordering property owners to cut back the kindling. Make citizens, organizations, businesses, and municipalities responsible for chopping down and carting away the burnables.

Native Americans used to have controlled burns every year, but that won't work in this case, because the people of California simply won't do this every year and it's no good if they wait a couple of years. By then, there's enough for an inferno. Still, whatever plan is used, removing the fuel should lead to safer summers and fewer notices of wildfires clogging up my evening news.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

What You'll Get Here...

I like to compost. That's where you take leaves, grass clippings and the scraps from your fruits and vegetables and pile them so they'll decompose into high quality soil. Exciting, no? But I won't talk just about that. Not often at least. Two things will dominate at this blog for as long as I can continue it:

1 - A comment (hopefully insightful though I'll settle for entertaining) on the goings on of society as I see them - religious, political, sports (Mets fan suffering) etc.

2 - Some talk of what I think may be the most important issue our society faces today - that whole global warming thing and how we need to change the way we do business and run our lives not necessarily because of global warming fears. Maybe change (not Obama change though maybe that's a start) Change because a lot of what we do (myself definitely included) is just insane (as in unhealthy). You'll see what I mean in days to come.